Forgotten Histories

A unique walk through the forgotten histories of collaboration and resistance in Merchtem
Brought to you by Secondary School Sint-Donatus Campus Markt Merchtem

Trailer: Vergeten geschiedenissen

Our interviews

This is a list of the interviews conducted for the walk through the forgotten histories of Merchtem. Click on 'all interviews' to see the full list. Attention: To listen to the interviews in order, please click on 'Start your walk' above.

Trailer: Forgotten Histories

PODCAST - Merchtem during the Second World War: between collaboration and resistance. EPISODE 2: The Resistance - Constant J. Droesbeke.

PODCAST - Resistance, Collaboration and Repression during WWII in Merchtem. EPISODE 1: The Beginning and the End.

PODCAST - Merchtem during the Second World War: between collaboration and resistance. EPISODE 3: The Ford Garage.

The forgotten histories of Merchtem

About us

This website was designed by the pupils of 6 WeWi and 6 LaWi Sint-Donatus Campus Markt from Merchtem as part of their participation in the History Olympiad of UGent in the school year 2022-2023.

The History Department of Ghent University organised the History Olympiad for the first time in 2022. In 2023, it was again ready to welcome new third-grade students for its concept. Our school also took up this offer. This year's theme is 'forgotten histories'.

The pupils took up the challenge together with their history teacher, Mr Van den Broeck. They chose the theme 'Merchtem during World War II: between collaboration and resistance'.

Mr Van den Broeck

Supervising history teacher

Mrs Bertels

Assistant teacher of English

6 WeWi 2022-2023

Students 6 WeWi: Ali Alissa, Joren Degreef, Kyara Deliën, Kasper De Pauw, Mathias De Saeger, Marthe Deveen, Hannelore Heymans, Lennart Lafère, Da-Minh Phung, Juliette Ringoir, Kobe Van De Casteele, Femke Vanderveken, Ruben Van Hemelryck

6 LaWi 2022-2023

Students 6 LaWi: Emily Deremaux, Lisa Deremaux, Jade Deterville-François, Laura Dierick, Amber Gysens, Victoria Huaux, Lucas Urban


Thanks to the UGent - Department of History and, in particular, Prof. Bruno De Wever (for his guest lecture on oral history) and Dr Naïma Lafrarchi, Coordinator of the History Olympiad (for her contagious enthusiasm in organising this competition).

Thanks to history colleague Mr Robberechts (for a visit to the Heemkundige Kring, tips and research in the Official Gazette). Thanks to colleagues collaborating from other subjects: Mr De Boeck, Dutch colleague (for the recording equipment and supervision of the reading of literature fragments) and Ms Bertels, Dutch and English colleague (for supervision of the reading of the fragments and translation into English). Thanks to Mr De Maeyer (for ICT support).

Mr. Van den Broeck, 28/04/2023 Merchtem

Dedicated to Willy Huygens (1928-2017), who could vividly tell about the war's end in Merchtem.

Terms of Use

The design of this project does not imply completeness. This is impossible because of the limited time and the nature of the subject matter.

Should you wish to contribute to the website by, for example, providing a source or conducting an interview, this is still possible after the Olympiad's deadline (28/04/2023). The purpose of this research is not only to keep this info available for future generations in Merchtem but also to follow this up in the future. You can reach us via the contact form below.

All data on this website are for informational or educational purposes only.

Should you feel that the use of certain content or the content as such of this website needs to be corrected, please contact its administrator using the contact form below. We will be happy to take your constructive feedback or comments into account.

Trailer: Forgotten Histories

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Johan de pauw

Ik heb deze namiddag de podcastreeks ‘vergeten geschiedenissen’ beluisterd, en ik wil u graag feliciteren met het resultaat.
Daaruit spreekt een geweldig engagement om de leerlingen een historisch bewustzijn bij te brengen. Dat is nu misschien nog meer dan in de voorbije decennia belangrijk. Prachtig ook dat de leerlingen hier zelf aan meegewerkt hebben. Verder oogt en klinkt het ook allemaal heel mooi. En niet te vergeten: ik heb er ook wat van opgestoken. Dikke proficiat dus!



Wat een leuke manier om iets bij te leren. Vroeger op school vond ik het saai om altijd maar naar geschiedenis te luisteren. Daarom vond ik het leuk dat dit in een wandeling was verwerkt. Echt leuk gedaan, voor mij mocht de wandeling wel iets langer maar over het algemeen zeer leuk!

Contact us!

Would you like to know more about these forgotten histories? Or would you like to share new information with us? Then don't hesitate to contact us!

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